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therapy physiotherapy sports massage armos

Available Services

Joint Alignment

Maintaining healthy joints and avoiding injuries depend on proper joint alignment. In order to maximise movement and lessen joint stress, it involves aligning the joints into the proper positions.

Guasha Scraping

Gua sha scraping is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves scraping a smooth tool over the skin to increase circulation, relieve muscle tension, and reduce pain and inflammation.


Suction cups are applied to the skin during cupping therapy, a form of complementary medicine, to improve blood flow and encourage the healing of muscles and tissues.


This manual therapy focuses on using a variety of exercises, modalities, and procedures to assist patients to regain, maintain, and enhance their physical function and mobility.

Dry Needling

The method of dry needling involves placing needles into muscle trigger points to promote healing and relaxation, to treat pain and muscle tension.


This is a process of restoring patient's physical function and mobility following an injury, illness or surgery, through exercise, therapy and other interventions. 

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